
Contrader SRL is a company with about 230 employees between direct and indirect, structured according to state-of-the-art procedures and technologies. The operating structure of Contrader includes a research and development laboratory equipped with specific software instrumentation to better support the needs of its customers. Specifically, the technology hub welcomes talent from all over Italy and supports them for training and effective work on the latest technologies.

The production structure focuses on technological innovation and research maintaining relations with the main universities of Campania Region specialised in iot, Big Data, Machine and Deep Learning, Cloud Computing and Industrial Automation. Contrader has an entire team dedicated to research and development activities applied to world of artificial intelligence, dedicated to the implementation of mathematical models and data-science to be applied to projects operating in the world of Big Data and Machine Learning.

Where can you find us

Milano Office


Via Rombon, 11 20134 Milan

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